MASTER of EDUCATION in American Literature ☸
Modern American Poetry (MAP) - This course in Modern American Poetry (MAP) is part of the Programme of Master's of Education, specialising in American Literature.
1. MAP - Welcome to Modern American Poetry
Course Description
The course highlights both major poets—from Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson through T.S. Eliot, H.D., Amy Lowell, Hart Crane, Langston Hughes, Muriel Rukeyser, and many others—and influential movements. The course mixes historical overview with close readings of indi... -
2. MAP - American Poetry 899-1950 (Part One)
Module 1 Lesson 1 Recommended Reading
Emily Dickinson, “Title divine—is mine!”
Mina Loy, “Songs to Joannes”
William Carlos Williams, “The Young Housewife”
William Carlos Williams, “The Young Laundryman”
William Carlos Williams, “The Wanderer”
Alexander Poesy, “The Fa...
3. MAP - American Poetry 1899-1950 (Pat Two)
American Poetry 1899-1950. The Legacy of New York - Part Two
4. MAP - American Poetry 1899-1950 (Part Three)
American Poetry 1899-1950. The Legacy of New York - Part Three
5. MAP - American Poetry 1899-1950 (Part Four)
American Poetry 1899-1950. The Legacy of New York - Part Four
6. MAP - American Poetry 1899-1950 (Part Five)
7. MAP - American Poetry 1899-1950 (Part Six)
American Poetry 1899-1950. The Legacy of New York - Part Six
8. MAP - American Poetry 1899-1950 (Part Seven)
American Poetry 1899-1950. The Legacy of New York - Part Seven
9. MAP - American Poetry 1899-1950 (Part Eight)
American Poetry 1899-1950. The Legacy of New York - Part Eight
10. MAP - American Poetry 1899-1950 (Part Nine)
11. MAP - American Poetry, 1899-1950 (Part Ten)
12. MAP - American Poetry, 1899-1950 (Part Eleven)
13. MAP - Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson: "A Strange, Uncoupled Couple" 1
Modern American Poetry - Part 1 - Second Season: E1 - Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson: "A Strange, Uncoupled Couple" (Part One)
14. MAP - Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson: "A Strange, Uncoupled Couple" 2
Modern American Poetry - Part 1 - Second Season: E2 "A Strange, Uncoupled Couple" (Part Two)
15. MAP S2: E3 Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson: "A Strange, Uncoupled Couple" 3
Modern American Poetry - Part 1 - Second Season: E3 - Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson: "A Strange, Uncoupled Couple" - Part Three
16. MAP S2: E4 Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson: 'A Strange, Uncoupled Couple' 4
Modern Ameican Poetry - Part 1 - Second Season: E4 'A Strange, Uncoupled Couple' (Part 4)
17. MAP - Native American Poetry from the 1890s to 1930 (Part 1)
Modern American Poetry - Pat 1 - Second Season: E5 Native American Poetry from the 1890s to 1930 (Part 1)
18. MAP - Native American Poetry from the 1890s to 1930 (Part 2)
19. MAP - Hart Crane's The Bridge (Part 1)
20. MAP - Hart Crane's The Bridge (Part 2)
21. MAP - Hart Crane's The Bridge (Part 3)
22. MAP - Hart Crane's The Bridge (Part 4)
23. MAP - "Hart Crane's The Bridge" (Part 5)
24. MAP - Modernist Women's Poetry and the Sentimental Tradition (Part 1)
Modern American Poetry - S3: E1 - Modernist Women's Poetry and the Sentimental Tradition (Part 1)
25. MAP - Modernist Women's Poetry and the Sentimental Tradition (Part 2)
26. MAP - Modernist Women's Poetry and the Sentimental Tradition (Part 3)
27. MAP - Modernist Women's Poetry and the Sentimental Tradition (Part 4)
28. MAP - Modernist Women's Poetry and the Sentimental Tradition (Part 5)
29. MAP - Modernist Women's Poetry and the Sentimental Tradition (Part 6)
30. MAP - Marianne Moore- Syllabics (Part 1)
31. MAP - Marianne Moore- Syllabics (Part 2)
32. MAP - Marianne Moore- Syllabics (Part 3)
33. MAP - Marianne Moore - Syllabics (Part 4)
34. MAP - Marianne Moore - Syllabics (Part 5)
35. MAP - Women's Poetry, Modernism, and Classical Myth (Part 1)
36. MAP - Women's Poetry, Modernism and Classical Myth (Part 2)
37. MAP - Women's Poetry, Modernism, and Classical Myth (Part 3)
38. MAP - Women's Poetry, Modernism, and Classical Myth (Part 4)
39. MAP - Women's Poetry, Modernism, and Classical Myth (Part 5)
40. MAP - Gertrude Stein & Marcel Duchamp (Part 1)
41. MAP - Gertrude Stein & Marcel Duchamp (Part 2)
'A Cessation of Resemblances'- Stein - Picasso - Duchamp (Part 2)
42. MAP - Gertrude Stein & Marcel Duchamp (Part 3)
43. MAP - Rethinking High Modernism (Part 1)
44. MAP - Rethinking High Modernism (Part 2)
45. MAP - Rethinking High Modernism (Part 3)
46. MAP - Rethinking High Modernism (Part 4)
47. MAP - Rethinking High Modernism (Part 5)
48. MAP - The Futures of Harlem Renaissance Poetry (Part 1)
49. MAP - The Futures of Harlem Renaissance Poetry (Part 2)
50. MAP - The Harlem Renaissance (Part 3)
51. MAP - The Harlem Renaissance (Part 4)
52. MAP - The Red Decade (Part 1)
53. MAP - The Political 1930s (Part 2)
54. MAP - The Political 1930s (Part 3)
55. MAP - The Political 1930s: The Red Decade (Part 4)
56. MAP - The Political 1930s (Part 5)
57. MAP - Tradition and the Folk in Sterling Brown's Poetry (Part 1)
58. MAP - Tradition and the Folk in Sterling Brown's Poetry (Part 2)
59. MAP - From Eliot’s Cultural Elegy to Rukeyser’s Documentary Testament 1
60. MAP - From Eliot’s Cultural Elegy to Rukeyser’s Documentary Testament 2
61. MAP - Developing the Cultural Epic - The Tunnel - Contesting Eliot 3
62. MAP - Developing the Cultural Epic - Muriel Rukeyser's Theory of Flight 4
63. MAP - Developing the Cultural Epic Muriel Rukeyser's Documentary Testament 5
64. MAP - The Image of the City in Pre-war Poetry (Part 1)
65. MAP - The Image of the City in Pre-war Poetry (Part 2)
66. MAP - The Image of the City in Pre-war Poetry (Part 3)
67. MAP - The Making of MAP (Part 1)
68. MAP - The Making of MAP (Part 2)
69. MAP - The Making of MAP (Part 3)
70. MAP - Three Modern Meta-Poems
71. MAP - Emily Dickinson
72. MAP - Wallace Stevens
73. MAP - Harryette Mullen
Emily-Dickinson - Poems-of-Emily-Dickinson
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Emily-Dickinson, “Title-divine—is-mine!”
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Emily Dickinson, “I'm Nobody Who are you”
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Elsa von Freytag Loringhoven bio
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